WOMA Application Engineering

For all application-related questions, the WOMA application engineering team is happy to help, to find the best possible ultra-high-pressure solution and the fitting water tool for your water blasting applications.

WOMA Application Engineering

Whatever the task, we have the solution.


WOMA application technology supports you in determining and optimising performance parameters for your individual application. These are naturally precisely prepared and documented for you.

Our team can also advise you on your own premises about the setting up of new water jet systems and the associated, best possible ambient conditions. Or are you interested in a product presentation? We will gladly visit you to demonstrate our solutions for your application.

WOMA Turbo Nozzle TD-3000-SCS
WOMA Magnet Lizard

Do you have questions or an application problem?

Then call us or fill in the contact form:

Phone: +49 (0) 2065-304 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2065-304 200
E-mail: info@woma.kaercher.com